THE WORTH GROUP is committed to providing an accessible website. If you have difficulty accessing content, have difficulty viewing a file on the website, or notice any accessibility problems, please contact us to ( +1 (561) 639-2149 ) to specify the nature of the accessibility issue and any assistive technology you use. NAR will strive to provide the content you need in the format you require.
THE WORTH GROUP welcomes your suggestions and comments about improving ongoing efforts to increase the accessibility of this website.
Social Security Administration software developers and electronic content authors use a variety of accessibility guides and training materials to make the content provided on accessible. SSA makes these resources available as a public service to assist anyone interested in developing and authoring accessible electronic content.
Install ANDI
ANDI, the Accessible Name & Description Inspector is a lightweight accessibility tool you can use to check for 508 compliance as you design and develop web applications.
Installation is as easy as adding a favorite or bookmark.
ANDI is a simple interface that:
Alternative text can be applied to images, charts, diagrams, buttons, and other interface elements to convey information and purpose textually. Problems occur when alternative text is written incorrectly, confuses users, or does not provide the correct context. While the creation of alternative text is not an exact science, SSA strives to provide meaningful alternative text by following the practical guidance contained in this comprehensive reference guide.
Download GuideOn, the agency aims to provide an accessible HTML equivalent of all electronic documents provided on the site. In situations where this is not possible, the agencys goal is to provide each electronic document in an accessible format. Whereas the Section 508 accessibility standards currently do not provide specific technical guidance on what constitutes an accessible electronic document, the agency uses the following guides to author and test Word, PowerPoint, Excel and PDF documents for accessibility.
Social Security Administration applies the Section 508 standards and other accessibility terms and conditions when we purchase information technology and communications products and services. The following information is provided to assist prospective vendors with responding to solicitations and with product design and development activities.
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